Everyone's experience with female genital cutting (FGC) is unique. We understand that each person using this website is here for a different reason. No matter what, you are welcome at The Hands Project.

You may be interested in learning more about FGC because you just found out it's something you experienced.

The Hands Project Empathy Icon

You may be here because you are having side effects from FGC.

The Hands Project Honor Icon

You might know that FGC happens in your family, and you want to start a conversation with your parents, grandparents and aunties so that the practice doesn't continue.

The Hands Project Growth Icon

You may be looking to connect with others who understand your experience.

The Hands Project Connection Icon

No matter what brought you here, female genital cutting (FGC) can be very difficult to talk about. As you start to navigate this website and learn more about FGC, you may experience a wide range of emotions—from discomfort, sadness or anger to a sense of belonging or pride in being an adult in your community. All of these feelings are completely natural, and you are not alone in experiencing them.

If you would like to talk to someone about any of these feelings, you can reach out to The Hands Project team at any time.

The Hands Project Community Icon
African flowers on dark purple background.


Around the world, there are many different words used to refer to FGC—circumcision, being cut, sunat, khatna, pharoni, female genital mutilation, FGM/C and others. We encourage you to use the words that feel right to you.

​At Sauti Yetu, we use "female genital cutting" or "FGC." We use this term because we know that each person has a different experience of FGC, and this term is more general.

​We will use "FGC" on this website unless we are quoting a source that calls it something else.

Symbols to guide you

Across the site, look for these symbols! They will indicate that there is important information about one of the topics listed below. NOTE: Anytime you see the "Connection" icon, you can click it to go to our "Connect with Us" page and get access to more resources.​