Her-Story in the Making

In 2010, four young women launched The Hands Project as an oral storytelling initiative between peers. Today, it has grown into a program to support you: someone in our community who is affected—directly or indirectly—by female genital cutting (FGC).

So what exactly is The Hands Project?

The Hands Project is a collection of resources designed just for you. All the materials focus on the topic of female genital cutting (FGC).

​You can access the materials on your own schedule, and at your own pace, to:

  • Learn about FGC and how it might impact your life

  • Find doctors, counselors and other trusted professionals who can help you address your concerns

  • Build skills that will help you start difficult conversations with important people in your life, like parents, grandparents and aunties

  • Create space with friends and family to think about what FGC means to your community and how you want perspectives on FGC to change over time

Our Resources

The Hands Project includes a number of different ways to learn about FGC and get the support you need. Right now, our resources are written in English. French versions are coming soon, and our Case Manager and Counselors also speak French and several African languages

  • Your experience of FGC is unique. So the care you get should be personalized! One-on-one assistance, which is often called case management, is about identifying the support you want and need and connecting you to the resources that will help. This could include:

    • Getting a referral to a primary care doctor or OB/GYN who understands FGC

    • Getting a referral to a counselor (read more below!)

    • Talking to your case manager about how to best approach a family member or religious leader about FGC

    • Much more!

    What can I expect if I reach out for one-on-one assistance?

    After you submit this form, our Case Manager will reach out to you to schedule an appointment. During the first appointment, she will ask you some questions, and you will have a chance to talk about your story and your concerns. Then, together, you and the case manager will set goals and make a plan for next steps. You will also schedule follow-up visits to check in.


  • Counseling is a form of mental and emotional health support. In counseling, you will work together with a counselor—a healthcare professional trained to help you identify concerns, set goals and improve your wellness. Counselors can support you if you're experiencing anxiety, depression, trauma, anger, confusion, relationship challenges and more related to FGC.

    What can I expect if I reach out for counseling? 

    To get counseling, you will first request our One-on-One Assistance. The Case Manager will reach out to you to schedule an appointment. During that appointment, she will ask you some questions, and you will have a chance to talk about your story and your concerns. If you are interested in counseling, the Case Manager will refer you to one of our counselors at Sauti Yetu. 


  • Many girls and women have shared with us that it is difficult for them to talk about FGC. There are many reasons for this, including that there aren't safe spaces in the community to have these conversations. The workshop is a chance for any group of people in the community who are affected by FGC—directly or indirectly—to come together to learn more about what FGC is, where and why it is practiced, and how to start difficult conversations about FGC and other topics. 

    The workshop is very interactive, and it is led by our Community Wellness Educator. It is currently available in English, and we can offer materials in French, too. The workshop can take place virtually over Zoom or in person.

    What can I expect if I reach out about a workshop?

    When you request a workshop, our Educator will reach out to learn more about your group and schedule the workshop at a time that works for everyone!


  • If you would like to learn about FGC offline—or know someone who is interested in this topic but doesn't have access to this website—you can download our "Our Voice. Our Hands." booklet. It introduces all of the topics that are on this website and lets people know how to contact us to access one-on-one assistance, counseling and workshops.

    Right now, you can download the booklet as a PDF. If you would like to get on the wait list for a hard copy, please click here.