Effects of FGC

The effects of FGC are different for everyone. FGC may impact someone physically, mentally, emotionally or socially. If you have experienced FGC, there is no right or wrong way to feel about your body or about FGC as a practice.

What might influence your experience of FGC? If you have experienced FGC: the type of FGC you experienced, your age and life stage, your memory of being cut, and your feelings about the practice of FGC can all impact how you live with FGC.

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It Can be Very Helpful To Discuss Impacts of FGC

You don’t have to cope with FGC on your own. It can be extremely helpful to discuss the impacts of FGC with someone you trust, whether a family member, friend, doctor, counselor or religious leader. No matter your symptoms, feelings or experience, your voice deserves to be heard!

Physical Effects of FGC

The effects of FGC are different for everyone, and the impact FGC has on someone’s body will be different depending on the type of FGC they experienced. Below, we have shared some of the symptoms people experience after FGC. If you have experienced FGC, there is no guarantee you will have these side effects. If you do, however, it may be helpful to speak to your healthcare provider—or you can start by speaking with a counselor at Sauti Yetu.

  • Right after experiencing FGC, you may have:

    • Pain

    • Exessive bleeding

    • Increased risk of infection, which may include getting a fever

    • Urinary retention (trouble peeing)

    • Other injury to the vulva

  • FGC can impact you at different times during your life. Over time, FGC may cause:

    • Problems with your period

    • Scarring

    • Itching or infections

    • Pain or difficulty with intimate partner relationships

    • Difficulty getting pregnant

    • Difficulty during childbirth

Emotional & Mental Effects of FGC

FGC can impact your emotions and mental health in different ways. None of these are right or wrong, and you may experience many of these feelings all at the same time. If you have experienced FGC, there is no guarantee you will have these feelings. If you do, however, it may be helpful to speak to a counselor at Sauti Yetu. You can also think about some key questions to help better understand your own feelings.

  • Whether or not you remember being cut, having someone else make changes to your body can be very hard to cope with. It is okay to have negative feelings or wish that FGC never happened to you.

    Feelings Associated with Trauma from FGC: Anger, shock, confusion, sadness, stress, memory loss

  • If FGC is a tradition in your community, you may feel a sense of camaraderie with family and friends. Some girls have shared that they feel a sense of connection to other women with FGC, because they have all endured a difficult experience and come out stronger.

    Feelings Associated with Closeness: Belonging, solidarity, connection

  • Some people who go through FGC feel disconnected from their friends, family and peers because of FGC. FGC is not common in the United States, so moving here—especially if you grew up in a community where most women are cut—can be isolating.

    Feelings Associated with Disconnection: Loneliness, sadness, embarrassment, self-consciousness, fear, anger, confusion

  • Girls, women and people assigned female at birth are strong, resilient, powerful individuals. But this doesn’t mean that they don’t have doubt and fears. No matter your experience with FGC, you may wonder how it will affect your future.

    It is very normal to worry about how FGC might impact your relationships, pregnancy and more. You don’t have to cope with FGC on your own, and it can be very helpful to talk to someone you trust about these concerns.