Living in the United States

If you have been affected by FGC, your experience of living in the United States may be very different than your experience of living in your home country or community. But you are not alone—many of the girls who participated in The Hands Project interviews shared that it was hard to hear how FGC was talked about at their schools, in the news media and by health care professionals.

​Coming Soon to this Section of the Website!​

  • A guide for talking to friends and peers who aren't familiar with FGC
    When someone learns about FGC for the first time, they may have many different reactions. If you grew up knowing about FGC, these reactions can make you feel uncomfortable, even if your friend has good intentions. We will share some tips for how to take care of yourself in these situations.

  • A full resource guide to FGC care in New York City
    You may prefer to seek out medical care without the help of Sauti Yetu! That is perfectly okay, and we will soon share a list of resources you can check out yourself. At any time, you can still reach out to The Hands Project for one-on-one assistance.

  • An overview of FGC in the media​
    It can be distressing and hard to understand why the media talks about FGC in certain ways. We will provide a guide to processing the messages you may hear on the news, in magazines and from other media sources.